52 research outputs found

    On an apparent dearth of recurrent nova super-remnants in the Local Group

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    The Andromeda Galaxy is home to the annually erupting recurrent nova (RN) M31N 2008-12a (12a); the first nova found to host a nova super-remnant (NSR). A NSR is an immense structure surrounding a RN, created from many millions of eruptions sweeping up material in the local environment to form a shell tens of parsecs across. Theory has demonstrated that NSRs should be found around all RNe, even those systems with long periods between eruptions. Befittingly, the second NSR was found around the Galactic classical (and long suspected recurrent) nova, KT Eridani. In this Paper, we aim to find more of these phenomena through conducting the first ever survey for NSRs in M31 and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We find that the surroundings of fourteen RNe in M31 as well as the surroundings of the four RNe in the LMC do not show any evidence of vast parsec-scale structures in narrowband (Hα and [S II]) images, unlike the one clearly seen around 12a, and therefore conclude that observable NSRs are either rare structures, or they are too faint (or small) to be detected in our existing datasets. Yet, the NSR surrounding 12a would also likely to have been overlooked in our study if it were approximately one magnitude fainter. Searches for NSRs around other RNe 'masquerading' as classical novae may prove to be fruitful as would whole surveys of other Local Group galaxies

    AT 2016dah and AT 2017fyp: the first classical novae discovered within a tidal stream

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    AT2016dah and AT2017fyp are fairly typical Andromeda Galaxy (M31) classical novae. AT2016dah is an almost text book example of a 'very fast' declining, yet uncommon, Fe II'b' (broad-lined) nova, discovered during the rise to peak optical luminosity, and decaying with a smooth broken power-law light curve. AT2017fyp is classed as a 'fast' nova, unusually for M31, its early decline spectrum simultaneously shows properties of both Fe II and He/N spectral types - a 'hybrid'. Similarly, the light curve of AT2017fyp has a broken power-law decline but exhibits an extended flat-topped maximum. Both novae were followed in the UV and X-ray by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, but no X-ray source was detected for either nova. The pair were followed photometrically and spectroscopically into their nebular phases. The progenitor systems were not visible in archival optical data, implying that the mass donors are main sequence stars. What makes AT2016dah and AT2017fyp particularly interesting is their position with respect to M31. The pair are close on the sky but are located far from the centre of M31, lying almost along the semi-minor axis of their host. Radial velocity measurements and simulations of the M31 nova population leads to the conclusion that both novae are members of the Andromeda Giant Stellar Stream (GSS). We find the probability of at least two M31 novae appearing coincident with the GSS by chance is ~1%. Therefore, we claim that these novae arose from the GSS progenitor, not M31 - the first confirmed novae discovered in a tidal steam

    AT2016dah and AT2017fyp: the first classical novae discovered within a tidal stream

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    AT 2016dah and AT 2017fyp are fairly typical Andromeda galaxy (M 31) classical novae. AT 2016dah is an almost text book example of a 'very fast' declining, yet uncommon, Fe II'b' (broad-lined) nova, discovered during the rise to peak optical luminosity, and decaying with a smooth broken power-law light curve. AT 2017fyp is classed as a 'fast' nova, unusually for M31, its early decline spectrum simultaneously shows properties of both Fe II and He/N spectral types - a 'hybrid'. Similarly, the light curve of AT 2017fyp has a broken power-law decline but exhibits an extended flat-topped maximum. Both novae were followed in the UV and X-ray by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, but no X-ray source was detected for either nova. The pair were followed photometrically and spectroscopically into their nebular phases. The progenitor systems were not visible in archival optical data, implying that the mass donors are main-sequence stars. What makes AT 2016dah and AT 2017fyp particularly interesting is their position with respect to M31. The pair are close on the sky but are located far from the centre ofM31, lying almost along the semiminor axis of their host. Radial velocity measurements and simulations of the M31 nova population leads to the conclusion that both novae are members of the Andromeda Giant Stellar Stream (GSS). We find the probability of at least two M31 novae appearing coincident with the GSS by chance is similar to 1 per cent. Therefore, we claim that these novae arose from the GSS progenitor, not M31 - the first confirmed novae discovered in a tidal steam

    Hydrodynamic simulations of the KT Eridani nova super-remnant

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    A nova super-remnant (NSR) is an immense structure associated with a nova that forms when frequent and recurrent nova eruptions sweep up surrounding interstellar material (ISM) into a high density and distant shell. The prototypical NSR, measuring over 100 pc across, was discovered in 2014 around the annually erupting nova M31N 2008-12a. Hydrodynamical simulations demonstrated that the creation of a dynamic NSR by repeated eruptions transporting large quantities of ISM is not only feasible but that these structures should exist around all novae, whether the white dwarf (WD) is increasing or decreasing in mass. But it is only the recurrent nova (RNe) with the highest WD masses and accretion rates that should host observable NSRs. KT Eridani is, potentially, the eleventh RNe recorded in the Galaxy and is also surrounded by a recently unveiled H{\alpha} shell tens of parsecs across, consistent with a NSR. Through modelling the nova ejecta from KT Eri, we demonstrate that such an observable NSR could form in approximately 50,000 years, which fits with the proper motion history of the nova. We compute the expected H{\alpha} emission from the KT Eri NSR and predict that the structure might be accessible to wide-field X-ray facilities

    Pan-Chromatic observations of the Recurrent Nova LMC 2009a (LMC 1971b)

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    Nova LMC 2009a is confirmed as a Recurrent Nova (RN) from positional coincidence with nova LMC 1971b. The observational data set is one of the most comprehensive for any Galactic or extragalactic RN: optical and near-IR photometry from outburst until over 6 years later; optical spectra for the first 6 months, and Swift satellite Ultraviolet and X-ray observations from 9 days to almost 1 year post-outburst. We find MV=8.4±0.8r±0.7sM_V = -8.4\pm0.8_{\mathrm{r}}\pm0.7_{\mathrm{s}} and expansion velocities between 1000 and 4000 km s1^{-1}. Coronal line emission before day 9 indicates shocks in the ejecta. Strengthening of He II λ\lambda4686 preceded the emergence of the Super-Soft Source (SSS) in X-rays at 6370\sim63-70 days, which was initially very variable. Periodic modulations, P=1.2P=1.2 days, most probably orbital in nature, were evident in the UV and optical from day 43. Subsequently, the SSS shows an oscillation with the same period but with a delay of 0.28P. The progenitor system has been identified; the secondary is most likely a sub-giant feeding a luminous accretion disk. Properties of the SSS infer a white dwarf (WD) mass 1.1MMWD1.3M1.1 \mathrm{M}_\odot \lesssim M_{\rm WD} \lesssim 1.3 \mathrm{M}_\odot. If the accretion occurs at constant rate, M˙acc3.62.5+4.7×107M\dot{\it{M}}_{\rm acc} \simeq 3.6^{+4.7}_{-2.5} \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{M}_\odot yr1^{-1} is needed, consistent with nova models for an inter-eruption interval of 38 years, low outburst amplitude, progenitor position in the color-magnitude diagram, and spectral energy distribution at quiescence. We note striking similarities between LMC 2009a and the Galactic nova KT Eri, suggesting that KT Eri is a candidate RN

    Proper-motion age dating of the progeny of Nova Scorpii AD 1437.

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    'Cataclysmic variables' are binary star systems in which one star of the pair is a white dwarf, and which often generate bright and energetic stellar outbursts. Classical novae are one type of outburst: when the white dwarf accretes enough matter from its companion, the resulting hydrogen-rich atmospheric envelope can host a runaway thermonuclear reaction that generates a rapid brightening. Achieving peak luminosities of up to one million times that of the Sun, all classical novae are recurrent, on timescales of months to millennia. During the century before and after an eruption, the 'novalike' binary systems that give rise to classical novae exhibit high rates of mass transfer to their white dwarfs. Another type of outburst is the dwarf nova: these occur in binaries that have stellar masses and periods indistinguishable from those of novalikes but much lower mass-transfer rates, when accretion-disk instabilities drop matter onto the white dwarfs. The co-existence at the same orbital period of novalike binaries and dwarf novae-which are identical but for their widely varying accretion rates-has been a longstanding puzzle. Here we report the recovery of the binary star underlying the classical nova eruption of 11 March AD 1437 (refs 12, 13), and independently confirm its age by proper-motion dating. We show that, almost 500 years after a classical-nova event, the system exhibited dwarf-nova eruptions. The three other oldest recovered classical novae display nova shells, but lack firm post-eruption ages, and are also dwarf novae at present. We conclude that many old novae become dwarf novae for part of the millennia between successive nova eruptions

    Two distinct sequences of blue straggler stars in the globular cluster M30

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    Stars in globular clusters are generally believed to have all formed at the same time, early in the Galaxy's history. 'Blue stragglers' are stars massive enough that they should have evolved into white dwarfs long ago. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed for their formation: mass transfer between binary companions and stellar mergers resulting from direct collisions between two stars. Recently, the binary explanation was claimed to be dominant. Here we report that there are two distinct parallel sequences of blue stragglers in M30. This globular cluster is thought to have undergone 'core collapse', during which both the collision rate and the mass transfer activity in binary systems would have been enhanced. We suggest that the two observed sequences arise from the cluster core collapse, with the bluer population arising from direct stellar collisions and the redder one arising from the evolution of close binaries that are probably still experiencing an active phase of mass transfer.Comment: Published on the 24th December 2009 issue of Natur

    No neon, but jets in the remarkable recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a? - Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the 2015 eruption

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    The 2008 discovery of an eruption of M31N 2008-12a began a journey on which the true nature of this remarkable recurrent nova continues to be revealed. M31N 2008-12a contains a white dwarf close to the Chandrasekhar limit, accreting at a high rate from its companion, and undergoes thermonuclear eruptions which are observed yearly and may even be twice as frequent. In this paper, we report on Hubble Space Telescope STIS UV spectroscopy taken within days of the predicted 2015 eruption, coupled with Keck spectroscopy of the 2013 eruption. Together, this spectroscopy permits the reddening to be constrained to E(B-V) = 0.10 +/- 0.03. The UV spectroscopy reveals evidence for highly ionized, structured, and high velocity ejecta at early times. No evidence for neon is seen in these spectra however, but it may be that little insight can be gained regarding the composition of the white dwarf (CO vs ONe)

    No neon, but jets in the remarkable recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a? - Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the 2015 eruption

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    The 2008 discovery of an eruption of M31N 2008-12a began a journey on which the true nature of this remarkable recurrent nova continues to be revealed. M31N 2008-12a contains a white dwarf close to the Chandrasekhar limit, accreting at a high rate from its companion, and undergoes thermonuclear eruptions which are observed yearly and may even be twice as frequent. In this paper, we report on Hubble Space Telescope STIS UV spectroscopy taken within days of the predicted 2015 eruption, coupled with Keck spectroscopy of the 2013 eruption. Together, this spectroscopy permits the reddening to be constrained to E(B-V) = 0.10 +/- 0.03. The UV spectroscopy reveals evidence for highly ionized, structured, and high velocity ejecta at early times. No evidence for neon is seen in these spectra however, but it may be that little insight can be gained regarding the composition of the white dwarf (CO vs ONe)

    Dynamical age differences among coeval star clusters as revealed by blue stragglers

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    Globular star clusters that formed at the same cosmic time may have evolved rather differently from a dynamical point of view (because that evolution depends on the internal environment) through a variety of processes that tend progressively to segregate stars more massive than the average towards the cluster centre. Therefore clusters with the same chronological age may have reached quite different stages of their dynamical history (that is, they may have different dynamical ages). Blue straggler stars have masses greater than those at the turn-off point on the main sequence and therefore must be the result of either a collision or a mass-transfer event. Because they are among the most massive and luminous objects in old clusters, they can be used as test particles with which to probe dynamical evolution. Here we report that globular clusters can be grouped into a few distinct families on the basis of the radial distribution of blue stragglers. This grouping corresponds well to an effective ranking of the dynamical stage reached by stellar systems, thereby permitting a direct measure of the cluster dynamical age purely from observed properties.Comment: Published on the 20 December 2012 issue of Natur